Friday, February 22, 2019

Human figure project- kolesa

The piece I decided to draw is a girl running. I decided to add mountains to add an element of culture instead of having her run on the street. The picture I drew is supposed to be more of a realistic photo. Some of the elements I used were contrast, movement, texture, and value. I used texture in her hair to make it look more realistic. I used movenment in her body because she is running. I also used contrast between her and the mountains. The meaning of this piece is to just relax and be free. Also to get out in the world and do things you never thought you would like going on a run in the mountains. A lot of the time people like to stay in their comfort zone but by getting out in the world we can experience things we never thought we could. I think my strengths in this piece is the girl running. I am not very good at drawing people but I think now after this project I’m more comfortable and better at it. The hardest part was the mountains because I’ve never drawn them before and it’s hard to make them look realistic and have a lot of dimensions. So if I could change something I would work a little harder on the mountains. I love how the Piece turned out and it’s proably one of my favorite ones so far.